In class, we talked about how the Tower of Hanoi is based on recursive relations. We also found the recursive relation for the Tower of Hanoi with three pegs. We then explored the Tower of Hanoi with two rings of each color, four pegs, and five pegs. We ended by exploring the Tower of Hanoi with colored pegs. In particular, we explored the case where A and B are pegs of one color, while C is another color. You can only move rings between pegs of different colors. Can you find the number of moves with four rings and five rings for the Tower of Hanoi with colored pegs?
The app is linked below:
For those of you who weren't able to make it, check out our meeting here:
Looking forward to seeing everyone next Friday night from 7 - 8!
Hey guys! Feel free to discuss your solutions here. You will be welcomed to share your solution with everyone else at the beginning of next class.